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Technical Director

James Donnan

Er. Bhuwan Singh Jangde

Founder Akash Group

An Engineer by education, the founder of Akash Group is driven by a mission to contribute to the Green Energy sector for the future of India. A quick learner he honed skills of every department to enhance his capabilities. With a decade of experience in engineering and business management in the Electrical Energy sector, he swiftly advanced in his career, executing mega energy projects and earning recognition for his committed approach.


In 2013, armed with rich experience, he ventured into entrepreneurship in the renewable energy domain. As a true team maker, he quickly assembled a team of like-minded professionals. The team has completed 500 projects and adding more projects of various sizes in the state. Future will celebrate his contribution significantly in the Green Energy domain for Chhattisgarh’s ranking among the top 10 states utilizing solar power in India.


His vision is to make Akash Group a vibrant enterprise, consistently adding value to projects and achieving remarkable results for customers. Proficient in managing, planning, marketing, and executing projects, he is now gearing up to venture into the AgriTech domain, introducing drones for farmers and manufacturing solar water heater units in the near future.


Ignissimos ducimus quin blandiitis praesentium voluptatem deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. scint occaecatti gnissimus.

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